Women’s Representation on Boards of SGX-listed Companies, as at December 2018

Top 100 primary-listed companies doubled women’s participation on boards

  •  Women’s participation in boards of the Top 100 primary-listed companies (“Top 100 companies”) rose further to 15.2% as at end December 2018. The Top 100 Companies continued to outpace the market. Compared with Dec 2013, before DAC was formed, this is a doubling of the women’s participation on boards (“WOB”).
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More companies with women on boards, fewer all-male boards

  • As more companies see the benefits of women on boards, the proportion of all-male boards in Top 100 Companies halved from 50% before DAC was formed to 25% as at December 2018 (Figure 2a).
  • As at December 2018, 48% of companies have all-male boards, from 50% in end 2017. (Figure 2b)
  • 38 of the Top 100 Companies have achieved at least 20% WOB, the first level of DAC’s triple-tier target.
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Appointments of women board directors was the highest on record for 100 largest companies

  • Women made up 24% of board appointments in 2018, the highest on record, for Top 100 Companies. 
  • For all SGX-listed companies, women made up 13% of board appointments in 2018, similar to 2017.

New board seats mostly filled by men in 2018

  • Among first-time directors for Top 100 Companies, 30% were women and 70% were men, similar to previous year.
  • For all SGX-listed companies, 14% were women and 86% were men.

Board renewal opportunity for companies that have independent directors with tenures of 9 years or more

  • 40% of Top 100 Companies have at least 1 independent director that had served at least nine years. There are 91 of such directorships. 15 have served longer than 20 years.
  • Similarly, 47% of all SGX-listed companies have at least 1 independent director serving nine years or more. There are 654 of such directorships. 83 have served longer than 20 years.

International comparison

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12 gender diverse boards within the Top 100 Companies added more women

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5 all-male boards within the Top 100 Companies added women

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List of Top 100 Companies’ WOB as at 31 December 2018

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